The Power of Advanced Calculated Metrics in Adobe Analytics
33 Sticks Co-Founder and Principal Analyst, Hila Dahan, presented an extremely popular session at Adobe Summit 2019 in Las Vegas on leveraging Adobe Analytics Advanced Calculated Metrics. Hila's session focused on using advanced Calculated Metrics to drive deeper insight into consumer behavior.
How to self-host a Launch Library using the download option
Adobe’s Dynamic Tag Manager (DTM) had a few different deployment options:
An Adobe/Akamai-hosted library (ie, your embed code starts with “//”)
An FTP self-hosted library (DTM would push changes through FTP to a location on your own servers)
A downloaded self-hosting option (you would manually download after changes and put onto your servers).
Technically, all three of these options also exist in Adobe Launch, though the approach is slightly different. Since I ended up having to get some clarification from Adobe on how to use Launch to copy these methods, I figured I’d document my findings here . When creating an adapter, you have the option of Managed by Adobe or SFTP.
Direct Call Rules in Launch have a new power: passing additional info in _satellite.track
Adobe’s Dynamic Tag Manager has always given developers a chance to define exactly when a rule was called, by firing _satellite.track("insert rule name here"). This is called a Direct Call Rule (or DCR). They didn’t always get a ton of product love- after all, Event Based Rules don’t require work from developers and have so many more options- but many DTM users used them heavily because of the control they provided and how incredibly straightforward they were.
Digital Data Layer Strategies
If a tag management solution is the framing of your dream house, the data layer is the foundation upon which your dream house will be built. However very few organizations get ex- cited about laying a foundation, especially the people in those organizations writing the checks. So why should your organization invest needed money and talent to deploy a solid data layer foundation?
This eBook, brought to you by 33 Sticks, is a robust guide covering the history of digital analytics data collection, data layer best practices and governance, and business exam- ples to help make the case for an investment in a data layer.
Dynamically Track YouTube Videos with Adobe Analytics – No Development Required
And that is it! If you are familiar with Adobe DTM, you can utilize this process to deploy YouTube Tracking, using Adobe Analytics, across your entire site in less than an hour.